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We are pleased to confirm our reappointment to the Procure Plus Installation and Repair framework, which is now live and will run for a five-year term.

Our portfolio of national and regional framework appointments allows registered social housing providers to directly appoint us and smoothly, quickly and compliantly access our expertise in the decarbonisation sector.

The Procure Plus Installation and Repair framework features a range of companies across a number of regional and national lots, providing specialist contractors specialising in all manner of housing installation and repair services. Our abilities have seen us successfully appointed to the following five lots:

  • Installation of insulation measures to low rise properties (North West including Cumbria and North Wales)
  • Installation of insulation measures to low rise properties (National)
  • Whole house installation works (North West including North Wales)
  • Whole house installation works (Midlands)
  • Whole house installation works (Cumbria)

We are appointed on all of the lots we applied for, better still, for every lot we have been ranked top for quality – with bids being assessed with a 60% weighting to quality over price.

Our managing director Gary Lawson said: “This quality element is of critical importance to us, and something that we work incredibly hard to uphold across everything we do, from our internal operations through to the large-scale delivery capabilities. That’s because as the UK’s leading provider of retrofit residential decarbonisation works, we know the position of responsibility we hold – with quality playing a central pillar.

“Aside from leading the industry by example and working on the energy efficiency of building stock up and down the country to work towards government net zero goals, we understand how transformational this type of work is to residents.

“The work we do doesn’t just improve homes, it improves the health, comfort and wellbeing of the thousands of people who live in them. In turn, this serves to tackle the biggest crises the country faces, addressing fuel poverty and rising cost of living through reduced energy consumption, and relieving pressure on the health service by providing healthier living environments.”

Our quality approach is what sets us apart, adopting PAS compliant standards, even on ‘non-PAS’ schemes. We were one of the first PAS2030 Trustmark-certified installers in the UK, and all of our processes and operations are aligned to the principles of PAS2035 – earning us our solid reputation for zero defect delivery and seeing us named Retrofit Contractor of the Year by The Retrofit Academy earlier this year.

Get in touch to talk to us about your retrofit decarbonisation requirements today.
