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Our Social Impact

One of our fundamental goals is to deliver high quality retrofit works that help to alleviate fuel poverty, improve people’s health and enhance households’ everyday living conditions. We do this while supporting government, local authorities, registered social housing providers, private landlords and individual households in pursuing their low carbon and net zero ambitions.

As a specialist in residential decarbonisation we recognise that our schemes have the potential to deliver positive social impacts at scale.

On most publicly-funded social housing projects, we offer the same improvements to local, privately-owned/rented properties, allowing us to deliver economy-of-scale savings, and encourage wider adoption of energy-saving measures.

Doing this at scale helps to address issues relating to fuel-poverty, net zero targets and the cost-of-living crisis. Last year, 20% of the properties we improved were privately-owned and delivered through this approach.

We also proactively engage with project stakeholders at the earliest stages to:

• maximise opportunities for training and employment
• find ways to enhance and positively impact local communities and environments wherever possible.

Our continuing focus on social value has helped to foster a culture of innovation within the business. We look to develop and deliver a community investment programme on each project we deliver.

Taking a Lead in Social Change

We add social value in numerous ways. Examples include:

Training, Apprenticeships and Work Experience

  • Supporting shared apprenticeship schemes and managing our own
  • Providing training opportunities for project stakeholders, residents and the local community
  • Liaising with social enterprises and colleges to identify candidates for placements, and to focus effort where it will deliver most benefit
  • Setting project KPIs for job creation, work experience and apprenticeships

Employment Opportunities, Supply Chain and the Local Economy

  • Recruiting locally and providing opportunities within the communities where we work
  • Promoting employment and roles within the ‘Green Economy’
  • Appointing local subcontractors and product suppliers
  • Appointing supply chain partners who share our commitment to social and community initiatives

Education / Upskilling

  • We work with higher and further education establishments to support work experience and skills development
  • We regularly engage with schools, colleges and social enterprises to promote the benefits and importance of energy efficiency measures, residential decarbonisation and UK Net Zero targets
  • We advise secondary school pupils about career options in construction and the ‘Green Economy’
  • We provide training and qualifications to our supply chain to retrain and/or upskilling.

Other Support

  • Explain to households how to maximise the benefits from their energy-efficiency / low-carbon measures
  • Provide post-installation training and advice to households, encouraging the adoption of more energy-efficient, money-saving behaviours
  • Encourage employees and project stakeholders to support volunteer programmes
  • Provide support to make local ecological / habitat improvements
  • Directly upgrade or support the improvement of community facilities / buildings
  • Provide charity / community fundraising, sponsorship and investment

The above are just a few examples of the kind of impacts that we make through our schemes. They are part of our commitment to enhancing lives, households, communities and the areas where we work.

Working closely with our clients, we seek to deliver tangible, measurable social value and typically monitor our performance through a project-specific Social Value Delivery Plan (SVDP). Where required, we will take responsibility for project-specific SVDP targets and KPIs.

Find out more

Get in touch to find out more or to express an interest in working with us.
