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Our owner and chair, Derek Horrocks, has recently been giving his thoughts to industry leading magazine Construction News about how we unlock the development of retrofit skills and training at scale.  

Derek believes the scalability and resource of the newly formed National Home Decarbonisation Group (NHDG) can expand our abilities in delivering retrofit projects needed to meet UK’s ambitious net zero targets. Our involvement in the NHDG is just one example of this, with skills and training being one of the group’s three key pillars, however, the industry needs to engage with this agenda in much more innovative ways. 

Derek explains in the article: “If as an industry we expect the government to contribute more to the decarbonisation of homes, we need to prove we can meet the challenges ahead in relation to retrofit role training, upskilling, qualifications, and employment across the UK. We have to do our part, show our proactivity and what the solutions are for the unique problems being faced. This is particularly pertinent for training courses, because it’s the industry that holds the knowledge key.”    

Read his full thoughts on Construction News here: 
